Just Say No To The Other Party’s Insurance Adjuster After A Car Wreck

Just Say No carved into tree bark.

How to Handle the Outcomes of a Collision

You were in a car wreck.  You were just rear-ended by a person who was probably on a cell phone.  The police arrive.  You give a statement.  Your car is towed.  You get medical treatment and ultimately go home.  The next day, the phone rings.  It’s an insurance adjuster for the insurance company of the person who hit you.  The adjuster is nice and seems genuinely concerned about your well-being.  The insurance adjuster wants to take a recorded statement.

What do you do if the insurance adjuster wants to take a statement?

Generally speaking, you should just say no until you speak with a personal injury attorney.  While it is necessary to talk to your own insurance company and report the claim, you are under no obligation to speak with the other party’s insurance company.  The best way to deal with the other party’s insurance company is to hire a personal injury attorney and let him or her deal with the insurance company.Insurance companies are in the business of making a profit by taking in premiums and reducing the number of claims and the amount of money it pays out for claims.  To that end, adjusters are trained to gain facts that are favorable to it so it can reduce the amount it is required to pay.  Statements you give to seemingly “friendly” insurance adjusters can have serious consequences for your claim.  To ensure you are treated fairly, you should consult a lawyer who handles personal injury cases.

Should I call a personal injury lawyer?

If contacted by the other party’s insurance adjuster you should remain calm, obtain the information from the insurance adjuster, give only limited personal information about yourself, and contact a lawyer.  You should give no details about the car wreck.Barney Law PLLC handles personal injury cases throughout West Virginia and has experience in dealing with insurance companies.  Call us today for a free initial consultation 304-932-8775.


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